Breaking News on the Deshon Johnson murder case cause by Community Coach USA bus driver operating NJ Transit bus 709
More new information discovered that the bus company is operated from oversea in Scotland and the bus driver driving record was not clean as Community Coach Bus driver lawyer stated during the interview with Essex County Prosecutor Mike on Wednesday, July 18, 2012, in Bloomfield NJ. New evidence shows the driver committed an incident before murdering victim Deshon Johnson on the day of. Wilson had committed an incident in 2010. He never was suspended from his job but was given a defensive driving course. On July 18th he killed Johnson. Thereafter, the reckless bus driver committed another incident two months later after ended music artist, college student, and Naomi only son’s life. Romine also carries 2 breaking in forceful entry charges and have three civil suits against him; one suite is the sum of $10,000, $3, 235 and $452.00 charges. Romaine also has other charges in Florida where he previously lived as a Haitian native. There is a video shows that Romaine speed through the bus stop refusing to pick Johnson up at its assign stop. There was witness stated that Johnson flagged for Romaine to stop but he refused to do so. Due to Romaine's refusal to stop; Johnson ran up to the bus knocking on the bus at the front door. Romaine jumped the curb where Johnson stood knocking him down running him over twice then dragging his lifeless body 50 to 100 feet.
During Romaine interview by Essex County Prosecutor Detective, he stood up to demonstrated how he saw Johnson running. The Prosecutor and Community Coach stop the driver for speaking further about what he saw. Then used psychology to persuade him that he did not do anything wrong by killing Johnson and it was not anything he could have done to end Johnson life. The lawyer told Romaine he has nothing to worry about because the head detective Vicent Nardone will take care of everything because he works with them all of the time.
During the interview, the prosecutor stated there was a videotape on the bus. According to the lawyer of Coach stated to Deshon’s lawyer, there was no video tap on the bus but a witness who worked for the bus company stated that he saw a video tap while clean of the bus during the time Romaine murder Deshon with the large weapon. The day of the incident the prosecutor or NJ Transit or Community Coach USA never took a deposition from bus driver Wilson Romain.
A few days of Johnson death someone from the bus company call Naomi demanding to meet with her. “Naomi asked the person over the phone how he got her number and where she is.” The person stated he is at her house. Naomi asked the person how he knows where she lived. He stated, "That her address was in the newspaper, which is a lie". Then he said, "to Naomi it urgent that he meet with her to tell her where she at and he will come to her". That conversation left Naomi devastated. Naomi told her son Deshon’s lawyer about the incident. Her son lawyer Brian told the retired judge Lawrence Lawson he was work with about the conversation took place with Naomi and the bus representative. The retired Judge Lawson lies and said it is their protocol; which is not true, because Deshon’s friend Christie Nobel Ross who lived in the same building directly from him; she was murder the same way on January 26, 2012, by the same bus company and no one came to her house.
These bus companies think they can solve every death with money instead of with humanity for human life. A settlement is a compromise with the victims love one say that the bus driver did not cause the death of the victim but the victims were the cause of their own death. The bus companies also want the victim's loved ones to sign a gauge order and settle out of court so the case can be confidential, so if the case goes to trial it becomes public information. These incident needs to be heard in court for determination for final justice. Naomi's son death case has been desecrated in a full negative reckoning; which has rocked in the courts.
These bus companies must understand that a lawsuit is not going to bring Naomi son or any other victims up from the grave but a stiffer law change to hold these reckless bus drivers accountable will be a sign of justice and a direction to change.
The bus company lawyer had Deshon’s lawyer to beg Naomi to stop write about what happen to her son and not go on the news to talk about the cover-up of her son’s case. The bus company was trying to rush Naomi to settle so she can sign a gauge order because they do not want Naomi to reveal the truth on how corrupt they are. The lawyer also, asked Deshon’s lawyer for me to stop say the bus driver is a murder. I told the lawyer the day I heard the bus driver said he saw my son and continue to kill my son makes him a murder.
Naomi said, "As a motorist, we have a choice to stop the bus or continue to drive while seeing the person in the street". I can see if the bus driver had a heart attack, stroke or any underlying condition to make him pass out behind the wheel will be out of his control; but that did not happen.
A year later after, I caught my son's lawyer started to lie to me on several occasions. He denied everything on the new evidence. He also reneged on taking the bus driver to trial, when he promised that he was preparing my son's case to trial.
During the meditation, the retired judge and my son’s lawyer had lied to me to denying that the driver did not see my son. I told them I saw the evidence so you cannot change my mind. The lawyer and judge set me up to see graphic pictures of my son’s remain over the pavement and his sneaker on the curb where he stood. My son's lawyer told me to agree with him that my son was in the middle of the crosswalked. When I refused to go along with him and blame my son for his death.
Naomi said, "The lawyer lie and say her son was in the street and banging on the bus". Naomi said she, told the judge that the information was false because her son is only five four and he cannot reach the window in the street. In order for her son to bang on the window, her son has to be on the curb to give him leverage to bang on the window. The judge started to tell other false information and pressure Naomi to settle her son’s case for $250,000 or $750,000. because her son was the cause of his death by banging on the bus. The prosecutor stated my son was banging on the back door so the bus driver could not hear anything but two witnesses stated my son was at the front door. In order for the bus to run over my son’s twice that means my son was at the front door, not the back. Deshon was on his way to work before being killed by the wicked bad reckless behavior man. Romaine poor driving records and breaking in entry record display his evil behavior.
The prosecutor stated my son was banging on the back door so the bus driver could not hear anything but two witnesses stated my son was at the front door. In order for the bus to run over my son’s twice that means my son was at the front door, not the back.
Naomi said, 'that judge Lawrence that the statement was false." The judge got upset with her then started to tell her how the front wheel did not kill her son it was the back wheel because my son’s brain matter was in the wheel. Naomi stated that she 'started to break down and scream and cry'. The judge looks at her and asks her where she is going and said to her in a nasty tone to sit down with a discussed look on his face. He talked down to her as if she was the victim who killed her son. Naomi said, "The judge, Bus Company, prosecutor, and lawyer treated her and her son's life as it was of no value." Naomi said that they degraded her and dragged her like the bus driver dragged her and her son. Wilson Romaine killed Deshon and the Prosecutor, bus company lawyer and mediation Monmouth retired Judge Lawrence Lawson killed Deshon character. Naomi said she has been mentally tormented by the so cause justice system for five years since my son's death and a couple of years by my son's lawyer; as well as the retired judge through mediation. The judge at the meditation had attacked Deshon character saying why Johnson ran into the street chasing the bus. He should not have been in the street.
It does not mean that Romaine had the right to kill Deshon. It does not give any motorist the okay to take a person life. The evidence shown to Naomi was her son's sneakers and brain matters were on the handicap part of the sidewalk not in the middle of the street. The high forensic computer technology, enactment computerize evidence shows that Johnson was on the curb and the witness in the car behind the bus said she saw Johnson was at the corner and then he was gone. The prosecutor said to the witness that Johnson fall of the curb and she said no he was there.
Wilson Romaine killed Deshon and the Prosecutor, bus company lawyer and mediation Monmouth retired Judge Lawrence Lawson killed Deshon character.
Naomi said she, live with the images of how my son's remain in my head. She said that she confined herself in the house because whenever she driver she get sick, cry, shake, and scream at the bus every time she looks at the bus wheel. Naomi said her son was taken care of her since she became disabled on Wednesday, July 18, 2007, in Bloomfield NJ when the Bloomfield was chasing a car.
Naomi said, "When she ran into the bus drive for the first time out of four years she approach him and asked him why he killed her son. He lies and said he did not kill her son because he has a family of his own and will never do anything like that. Naomi said, she has an audio of their conversation interaction with full of lies.
These bus drivers know if they kill someone that nothing is going to happen to them because they still will have their job and go home to their loved ones while the victims love ones grieving and going to the grave. All these lives are taken in vain without any justices. The US District Attorney, Attorney General, politicians, Essex County Prosecutor, NJ Transit, Community Coach USA, School bus and other companies saying the hell with the pedestrians and passenger safety. This dismantle of the justice system department is a disgrace to humanity and condone unlawful behaviors.
These bus companies message they are conveying that the victim's lives do not matter and ignore the matter at hands; which is they are protecting murders and promoting legalize murder. Naomi is trying her hardest to turn her son’s memory into a movement. Naomi; stated that the driver needs to be convicted for what he did to her son. Naomi also stated that we the survivors of victims who were killed by reckless bus drivers require action and hold this reckless bus drivers accountability.
Naomi said she cannot rest until all perpetrated are prosecuted. This justice case is in the mind of Deshon family. Naomi has been suffering since 2012 and needs justice for her only child horrific death. Johnson should not suffer in vain.
The bus drive is still working and collecting a pay. It is taken this long for the politicians implement a law to hold these bus driver and the company criminal liable.
This process is in getting justice and holding the Romaine accountable for Deshon's death is taken to long. Romaine is able to draw his salary, get his pension when retired, he is able to accrue his medical benefits, received to pay raise, rack up overtime and still no justice in Deshon’s case, since he was killed by Romaine. These reckless bus drivers are going to be drawing off the commuter’s money by high fare raise. It is unfair that the commuters have to pay off these lawsuits. I hope the bus company takes Romaine and other reckless bus drivers who kill people pension. Otherwise, he is going to draw off taxpayer salary for the rest of his life for committed murder. The bus driver is still driving the bus put more innocent lives in jeopardy.
In essences these bus drivers should not be awarded for their foolish bad behavior by getting paid for killing innocent victims by getting pay while the case is being investigated is not finished nor should they be able to continue to work for the company and put other lives in jeopardy. This is why these bus drivers continue to kill or injure innocent pedestrians or possible passengers like Deshon who was supposed to be on the bus that killed him by Romaine.
These reckless bus drivers will continue to murder innocent pedestrian with this big weapon because they are not responsible for being for any court fees or attorney fees. If this driver was responsible for paying for all these legal fees they would not be killing innocent lives and breaking hearts of the victim’s family and friends.
This is why bus drivers continue to kill pedestrian because one of the bus drivers said if I hit someone I am going to still have my job. Nothing is going to happen to them. That is all they worry about. If these bus driver responsible for paying their legal fees and lost their benefits then you see the some sought of actions. Bust when they being to pay themselves that will change them behavior because they will think twice when it comes to their actions. They would say when I am going to get the money to pay the lawyer and think twice. The problem is it happens frequently in Essex County when there are a lot of Afro-American and minority community. Towns like Bloomfield NJ who are racist do not investigate Afro-American and Latino death thoroughly. In other county and communities where less minority reside, they get better treatment with their case.
The grand jury is not for the victims. They keep it a confidential close session so they can cherry pick what they want so they can assassinate the victim’s character; by saying they are the cause of his or her death. The jury uses Johnson case as a mockery. They are protecting Romaine as if he is the victim and not Deshon. We need to return to our grand jury system to change union contract. These people who are protecting these murder reckless bus driver behavior, it’s just like they were driving the bus and taken all these lives in vain.
The hand of people who are surrounded by the corruption and poor investigation of Deshon’s case is saying they are supporting this type of killing and protecting the murder who killed Johnson. The disturbing part of this cause that Naomi lives with the images that the judge and lawyer madder her see it the remain of her son’s body remains over the road and that this mother has not got any just for her son’s tragic death going on five years. This case is causing the computers million of dollars. There should be a special independent prosecutor department needs to investigate these cases.
It is sad that there are no advocate organizations that support or protested for killing like this. There are a lot of organizations that protest for gun violence, support gun violence, support bombing and nine eleven victims. We the survivors of the victims killed or injured by a reckless bus driver need to put pressure on the government, Senators until they say to the Legislation this type of killing is enough and hold these drivers accountable. It is an injustice for these drivers to get away with this horrific death because a bus is a weapon like a gun and control by a ruthless careless person without any humanity in their heart. To solve this type of killing the lawmakers need to pass a bill to hold these drivers accountable for some type of harsh correction actions implemented.
It is sad when a person can get millions of dollars for a sexual harassment case but a death case caused by NJ Transit and Community Coach can get two hundred thousand. This widespread killing epidemic needs to stop. Naomi stated she reached out to NAACP where is a member with, Black Lives Matter, Women Organizations, Color of Change Organization, National Action Network, Rainbow Push Coalition, Several Churches, Bike and Pedestrian Safety and other organization for support and no help was given to her. People Organization Progress (POP) came out to my son’s annual candlelight ceremony one year. Naomi also, stated she contacted political officials such as Assembly Women Shavonda Sumter, Assemblyman Benjie E Wimberly, Assemblyman Johns F Mckeon, Assembly Women Mila Jasey, Assemblywomen L Grace Spencer, Assemblywomen Blonnie R Watson, Assemblyman Thomas P. Giblin, Assemblywomen Cleopatra G Tucker, Assemblyman Patrick J Degnaner, Speak of the house Shelia Oliver, Senator Nia Gill, Senator Corey Booker, Senator Codey J Richard, Senator Bob Menendez. And Teresa Ruiz, Congressman Donald Payne Jr, Freeholder Brendan Gill, Governor Chris Christie, President Barack Obama, Attorney General Richard J Hughes and Attorney General Paul Fishman. Only one politician office reached out to me to help and that is Senator Bob Menendez community helper.
I also, reached out to several of talk shows, radio station and news station on Facebook to get my story told but no one reached back out to me. I believe if this was an international story I will have everyone reaching out to me so they can get more public publicist for their ratings.
Naomi said she is tired of asked to keep silence that she needs to get her story out to the world because the world needs to know how they corrupt these bus death cases.
Naomi stated that people are reaching out to her on and Facebook telling their story to her how there loved ones were killed and their character are being assassinated too. They also, are asking Naomi to help them get justice for their loved ones too who were killed by reckless bus drivers. We are not going to allow them to sweep this kind of death and injuries under the rug.
This is a picture of the bus driver who murdered my son with Bloomfield police and Essex County Prosecutor.
Citizen Angry Comments About The Ongoing Killing By NJ Transit and Community Coach USA Bus Drivers and Deshon Johnson's Cover Up
There is more new vital evidence in this case that is not mentioned on this site. This is a serious matter that the prosecutor, lawmaker and bus companies trying to sweep under the rug.
This is a picture of the bus driver who murdered my son with Bloomfield police and Essex County Prosecutor.
Here is a screen shot of a victim sister who lost her legs due to a reckless bus driver.
Here is a
Here is a video of News 12
Here is another link about my son's case.
Citizen comments about Deshon and other victims case
More Citizen comments
Justice For Deshon Johnson Protest
Citizen complaint article
Bus Accident On the Rise
There is more new vital evidence in this case that is not mentioned on this site. This is a serious matter that the prosecutor, lawmaker and bus companies trying to sweep under the rug.