Mothers against World Wide
Public Transportation Drivers Driving Reckless and Ending Their Loved Ones
Mothers Against World Wide Public
Transportation Drivers Driving
Reckless and Ending Their Loved Ones Lives) is a campaign in the United States that seeks to stop reckless NJ Transit, Coach USA
and other reckless state run transportation,
support those affected by reckless bus drivers, create stiffer penalty for bus
driver, allow federal government to take
over state run state run transportation investigation so there will not be
state political cover ups and CDL license taken away, prohibit state run transportation
drivers who killed pedestrian to drive again, overall push for stricter law
policy for drivers and company. The
Deshon Johnson bereaved parent based organization was founded in 2013 in
New Jersey by Naomi Johnson after her 22-year-old son was killed by Wilson Romaine Coach
USA Community bus driver operating NJ
Transit bus 709.[1] (MAWWPTDD
RETLOL) research shows that bus driver reckless driver killing innocent pedestrian
death rate percentage is high. NJ Transit /Coach USA/ MTA and other bus company
are not holding these drivers accountable. They deem all of these death cases
as accident.
According to its official
website, "The mission of Mothers Against
World Wide Public Transportation Drivers Driving Reckless and Ending Their Loved Ones Lives) is to stop reckless taxi, train and school bus,
bus driving, support the victims of this violent crime and prevent these number
of death rate increasing."[3]
Generally MAWWPTDD RETLOL favors:
Education (about the reckless driving), advocacy and victim
Strict policy in a variety of areas, including an illegal blood alcohol content of .08%[4] or lower and using stronger sanctions for
testing for substance in the driver body offenders, better safety training,
federal investigation of each state to prevent corruption, including mandatory
jail sentences, drivers stop reading paper or other distraction that can ended
innocent pedestrian lives, ignition interlock devices,[5] and license suspensions
Helping victims of reckless public transportation driving (this
includes family members and other loved ones of both innocent victims and
guilty impaired drivers)
Maintaining regular safety training class every two months
Mandating alcohol breath-testing, ongoing driving record check
for accident and other incident (jail time) for everyone convicted of driving
while legally impaired and killing a person.