Monday, February 12, 2024

Poem: Lost Within Your Love by Naomi Johnson

 Lost Within Your Love By Naomi Johnson

During the quiet hours when you're not near,
The world feels empty, devoid of cheer.
Each night, I long for your embrace,
Inside my dreams, I glimpse your tender face.

With you, I'm lost in a wondrous trance,
Without you, I yearn for another chance
To delve into the depths of your soul,
Where my heart and emotions find their goal.

All that's left of me, my heart and soul,
offer them to you, to make us whole.
In this love, an endless sea to explore,
With each passing moment, I want more.

I've loved before, yet it's always you,
No one else touches me as you do.
If a flower bloomed for every thought of you,
I'd wander forever, with love so true.

You're the rose in my heart's garden fair,
With beauty and love beyond compare.
Your presence, a beacon in my darkest night,
Guiding me through with its radiant light.

Your smile, a warm embrace for my soul,
In your affection, I find myself whole.
Your eyes, they speak a language untold,
In their depths, mysteries to unfold.

Lost in you, I'd willingly roam,
Through the labyrinth of your heart's home.
For in your love, I've found my place,
refuge where I'm embraced with grace.

About this poem

This poem expresses the profound longing and deep connection felt towards a loved one. The speaker, Naomi Johnson describes how the absence of the beloved leaves a void in their world, yearning for their presence and affection. They express a willingness to lose themselves in the depth of the beloved's soul, offering their heart and soul completely. The poem celebrates the uniqueness of the beloved, likening them to a beautiful rose and a guiding light in the speaker's life. Ultimately, it portrays love as a refuge where one finds solace and grace in the embrace of their beloved.


Poem: The Strength Within A Woman's Power by Naomi Johnson


The Strength Within A Woman's Power

In the heart of a woman, a strength resides,
By her gentle ways, the universe confides.
With kindness as her cloak, she paves her days,
Throughout every step, her grace forever stays.

Her smile, a beacon of confidence, bright,
Guiding through challenges, casting out the night.
With determination etched upon her face,
She conquers mountains, finding endless grace.

Enduring pain, she brings life to this earth,
Regardless of the man's neglect or dearth.
Single-handedly she raises her own,
Nurturing them until they've fully grown.

Her love, a fortress, tender and pure,
Protecting like a lioness, strong and sure.
With humility, she heals the wounded heart,
soothing balm, a comforting art.

In the face of insults, she holds her tongue,
With dignity, her silent protest sung.
Through her eyes, respect and strength entwine,
silent power, profoundly divine.

By her man's side, she remains steadfast,
Weathering storms until they've safely passed.
Her words, like honey, sweeten his soul,
Empowering him to reach his highest goal.

Her touch, a symphony, gentle and true,
Bringing solace and peace, a love anew.
With loyalty unwavering, she stands,
In a world where faith often demands.

Her mind, a treasure trove of intellect,
With words that dance and thoughts connect.
Versatile in her ways, without deceit,
She navigates life's labyrinth, ever discreet.

Despite the scars of love, she learns to trust,
In the face of betrayal, she still finds just.
For her strength lies not in tradition's hold,
But in a love that's boundless, pure as gold.

So here's to the women, resilient and bold,
Whose strength and love, a story untold.
In every breath, their essence thrives,
For the strength of a woman truly survives.

About this poem

This poem celebrates the inherent strength and resilience found within women. It depicts the multifaceted nature of their power, rooted in kindness, grace, and determination. From enduring pain to nurturing life, from standing by loved ones to navigating challenges with unwavering resolve, the poem portrays women as pillars of strength and sources of boundless love. Despite facing adversity and betrayal, women continue to rise, embodying a love that transcends tradition and remains steadfast. Ultimately, the poem honors the enduring essence of womanhood, acknowledging their silent but profound impact on the world.

Poem Man's Strength: Love's Embrace by Naomi Johnson


Man's Strength: Love's Embrace

Enclosed by the warmth of his embrace, his strength resides,
His arms, a fortress where love abides.
With care and affection, he lights the way,
In his gentle touch, worries sway.

His mind, a beacon of wisdom and light,
Guiding with words, pure and bright.
Motivation flows from his gaze,
In his eyes, hope and courage blaze.

Responsibilities, he bears with grace,
No hint of hostility, only embrace.
Love he shares, with respect unfurled,
Supporting his children in this world.

gentle touch, a tender caress,
Comforting in moments of distress.
Passionate heart, filled with fire,
In love's embrace, he never tires.

His genuine feelings, a treasure to behold,
In vulnerability, his strength unfolds.
With a humble soul, he loves and cares,
Even when his own heart wears.

For one woman, his love is true,
In her eyes, his reflection, anew.
Integrity and stability, his creed,
In his love, she finds all she needs.

Not in feats of strength, or worldly might,
But in burdens carried, day and night.
His strength, not in what he can shift,
But in the love, he can continuously lift.

About this poem

This poem celebrates the multifaceted strength of a man, portraying him not just as a physical protector but also as an emotional support and caregiver. It highlights the various dimensions of his strength, from his comforting touch to his wise words and unwavering love. The man depicted in the poem is characterized by his ability to handle responsibilities with grace, show genuine affection, and remain loyal to his partner. Ultimately, his strength is defined not by physical prowess or material achievements but by his capacity to love deeply and support others through life's challenges.

Black History Month Poem: Depth Beyond Skin by Naomi Johnson

 Depth Beyond Skin by Naomi Johnson

In the depths of my being, not just skin deep,
Resides the essence I passionately keep.
Beyond the hue that meets the eye,
Lies a universe of truth, where I defy
The limitations society may impose,
With intellect, strength, and spiritual throes.

My soul's fruit nourished by wisdom's stream,
My words, my actions, a harmonious gleam.
Balanced perspectives in chaos I find,
Disarming confusion with a tranquil mind.
reservoir of peace within my core,
Where integrity guides me, forevermore.

In my humble demeanor, my image is cast,
Reflecting self-respect, built to last.
Each task I undertake, a testament true,
To perseverance, to seeing things through.
Yet beyond what's seen, beyond the mold,
lies hidden treasures, yet to unfold.

So judge me not by skin alone,
For the depths of my being have yet to be known.
In me, there's more than meets the eye,
You do not know me, so don't imply.

About this poem

This poem delves into the complexity of human identity

, emphasizing that true essence transcends mere physical 

appearance. The speaker asserts that their worth and character

 are defined by inner qualities such as intellect, strength

, wisdom, and integrity rather than external attributes like skin 

color. Through vivid imagery and introspective reflection, the

 poem challenges societal norms and stereotypes, advocating

 for a deeper understanding and appreciation of individual


It urges against superficial judgments based solely on outward appearances, highlighting the richness and complexity of the 
human spirit that lies beneath the surface.

You can read more of Naomi Johnson's poems on

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Black History Month Poem: Black Man's Struggle by Naomi Johnson

Black History Month Poem: Black Man's Struggle by Naomi Johnson 

Upon the slave block, strong and bold he stands, Like King Jesus, ridiculed by ruthless hands. Each day a mental chase, pleading his case, Thrust to the ground by anger's embrace.

Soul tormented, cursed with life's aggression, Yet firm he stands, enduring every session. Patiently awaiting the Creator's grace, Refusing to bow to wicked demands' embrace.

Legacy of the cross burns on his land, Skin lacerated by the master's cruel hand. Blood drips, chains bind, yet he holds fast, To the ethics of his Creator's words amassed.

Spirit thirsts for hope, amidst indignity's sting, Fighting desperately, refusing bigotry's ring. Inflicted with treason, deception's bitter blow, Yet he stands tall, against injustice's flow.

Some carry the cycle, neglecting their own, Imprisoned minds, seeds of hatred sown. But he holds the key, to break the chain, Cease the mental genocide, end the pain.

Black man's journey, a historic tale, Echoes of Christ's struggle, will prevail. In the face of worldly strife, he finds his worth, A testament to resilience, on this Earth.


A summary of this poem

The poem depicts the strength and resilience of a Black man facing the harsh realities of slavery and racial injustice. Drawing parallels to the suffering of King Jesus, the protagonist endures ridicule, torment, and physical pain on the slave block. Despite the mental and physical challenges, he stands firm, awaiting divine grace and refusing to succumb to wicked demands. The legacy of oppression is symbolized by the burning cross, lacerated skin, and blood-drenched chains. The poem emphasizes the Black man's determination to resist bigotry, fight against injustice, and break the cycle of hatred and oppression. Ultimately, the journey becomes a historic tale of resilience and echoes the struggle of Christ, showcasing the Black man's enduring worth in the face of worldly strife.

© [2024] Naomi Johnson. All rights reserved. This poem, " Black Man's Struggle" is the intellectual property of Naomi Johnson-Soulality. It may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, or otherwise used in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner. Unauthorized use or reproduction of this work is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.