Wednesday, June 14, 2017

NJ Transit and USA Community Coach Reckless Bus Driver Killing Epidemic Is Spreading Like Wild Fire

NJ Transit and Community Coach USA Reckless Bus Driver Killing Epidemic Is Spreading Like Wild Fire

These outrage senseless death and server body amputations are still spiraling out of control without any repercussion to the bus drivers. These hire murders are being put back to work by the bus companies after taken an innocent life from their love ones. The bus drivers killing pedestrians is a new age legalize murder. The Governor, political official, District Attorney, Essex County Prosecutors, Bus Companies Insurance Companies, Bus Company is condoning and supporting these murders. 

Ms. Johnson had written to multiple people to support her with finding justice for these injustices killing caused by the reckless bus driver after the killing of her son Deshon Johnson aka Sean Mason Hip-Hop artist. Deshon was killed by Community Coach USA Wilson Romaine operating NJ Transit bus 709. It was seen on a videotape that Romaine blew by the bus stop refusing to pick up Johnson. Deshon had flagged for Romaine to stop so he can board the bus to go to work. Romaine ignored his signal tor him to stop so Johnson manages to make it to the front door of the bus and proceeded to knock hard while standing on the handicap curb. Romaine refused to stop the bus to allow Johnson to enter, instead he the bus driver made a decision to jump the curb knocking the victim down running him over twice. 

(Here is a picture of the bustier mark on the curb that  shows how the buses jump this handicap curb where Deshon stood knocking hard at the bus front door and where the bus driver approached the victim.)

This reckless bus driver still did not stop the bus he continues of driving Johnson lifeless body 50 to 100 feet before he stops. On an audio we heard that Romaine said he saw the victim then he change his story saying he did saw Johnson running. The question is if he did not saw Johnson what made him stop the bus? Romaine stated that no one told him to stop. He just stopped on his own. Ummm... Therefore, we know that Romaine saw Johnson and committed murder. It just like if I have gotten into a heated argument with a citizen I do not know and my actions cause me to end his or her life. I am a murder. What is the different with Romaine who killed an innocent 22-year-old young man just trying to go to work to take care his disable mother?

(This is the bus driver Wilson Romaine who murder Deshon with Essex County Prosecutor and bus company Attorney Michael)

I believe it will make this reckless bus driver a murder too. This heartless bus driver admitted to seeing Johnson and Romaine gets a free pass from killing Johnson. Not only the prosecutor, Governor and the bus company give him a free pass from jail he also goes back driving the bus. Romaine is not the only bus driver get a reward for killing an innocent person. All of the other reckless bus drivers get the same award for murdering an innocent person. Deshon's friend/neighbor Christian Nobel Ross bus driver got her free pass too-from killing a 21-year-old mother who left behind a 3-year-old son.  Ross driver went back to work driving the bus as well.

The bus company blames Ross for her death too like they did Deshon-who was murder six months apart by a reckless bus driver.  You have this woman who contacted me telling me how her sister was hit by an NJ Transit bus this past May in Newark where her sister sustained critical injuries & lost both of her legs. Her sister reckless bus driver get a free pass out of jail too. A man in Hackensack, his mother was a victim of getting hit by an NJ Transit bus. Her bus driver gets a free pass not to go to jail. I can go on. It is a long list of victims that I can make its own Bible edition on who bus drivers received a free not to go to jail passes.

(This is a picture of a protester raising awareness for these countless lives taken in vain. You can see the headstone of each victim with their names and date of the date they were murder by NJ Transit and Community Coach USA bus drivers)

These bus companies think they can solve every death with money – bribing their way to freedom. A settlement is a compromise with the victims loved one stating that the bus driver did not cause the death of the victim but the victims were the cause of their death.  The bus companies also want the victim's loved ones to sign a gauge order and settle out of court so the case can be confidential, knowing fully well the consequences of the case becoming a trial or transcending into a public information. These incident needs to be heard in court for determination for final justice. 

These bus companies must understand that a lawsuit is not going to bring Naomi son or any other victims up from the grave but a stiffer law enforced to hold these reckless bus drivers accountable will be a sign of justice and a direction to change. The bus company lawyer had Deshon’s lawyer to beg Naomi to stop writing about what happened to her son and not go on the news to talk about the cover-up of her son’s case. The bus company was trying to rush Naomi to settle so she can sign a gauge order because they do not want Naomi to reveal the truth about how corrupt they are.  Please click this link to hear for yourself The Essex County Prosecutor Detective and Lawyers are trying to assassinate Deshon’s character and other victims who are no longer on this earth because he or she is not here to speak for their self. The Essex County Prosecutor Detective and Lawyers are trying to assassinate Deshon’s character and other victims who are no longer on this earth because he or she is not here to speak for their self.

People who threaten bus drivers will get arrested but if a bus driver kills a pedestrian he/she goes home to his family, return to work and get away with legalized murder. I believe if these bus drivers were responsible for paying their attorney fees, get their Commercial Driving License taken go to jail and not getting a paycheck these senseless legalize murder will stop.

Yet, the Governor, political official, District Attorney, Essex County Prosecutors, Bus Companies Insurance Companies, Bus Company sit back and watched these murder spiral out of control, deemed them as accident and do not give cents about human life.

As long as the citizens do not write to their Senator they're not going to do anything about these legalized murders. The public needs to know talking amongst one another or coming up with ridiculous speculation on this issues from what the bus company representative,  bus company President or Homicide Prosecutor report to the media will not help to get justice for these senseless injustice murders.

Killing like this is inhuman with no compassion for humanity. It is all about the money for these bus companies and insurance companies.

Is this a new wave of Lynching?

This is the scene where Deshon Johnson  was brutally murder by 
Wilson Romaine when he had run over the victim twice 
then dragged 50 to 100 feet.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Why Are The Politicians, District Attorney, Bus Companies, Prosecutor Detectives and Attorney General Are Supporting NJ Transit Legalized Murder?

Is The Politicians, District Attorney, Bus Companies, Prosecutor Detectives and Attorney General Are Supporting Legalized Murder Caused By Reckless NJ Transit and Community Coach Bus Drivers.

Why are the citizens allowing this legalize death going on?

I find out it is a waste of time to get people to stand by me and protest about killing like this. You have people will share and post ridiculous thing on their social media to go viral. or They will share other cause of death like police shooting innocent people. Or Cancer walks. Or School bombing Or Animal killing. They will also post Bill Cosby sexual assaulted on countless women or the talk show host pays off a million dollar lawsuit but a situation like reckless bus driver committing legalize murder they blow it off.  The people do not spread the word or petition so it can go viral about how these bus drivers are getting away with legalize murder and the bus companies, politicians, prosecutor office, insurance companies and lawyers or back them up. I get perplexed with some of the people who know me and what happen to my son share things about the above things I mention but not the cover-up, corruption and the tragic death of my son.  There can be old news of other past situation but they will continue to support the story.

Yet, when these countless deaths and fatal injury with these reckless bus drivers murdering innocent people they sit and say, Oh what a shame and come up with numerous of speculations about what happened.  While the prosecutor office, politicians, bus companies deem these catastrophic incidents as an accident without further investigation and brush it under the rug. The sad part about this type of killing the citizen goes along with the prosecutor/ bus companies’ representative. are reporting to the media.  If, these citizen truly care about this ongoing legalize murders caused by these bus drivers that NJ Transit/Community Coach the USA has hired they will be writing to their Senator, Congressmen, Attorney General, Governor and whomever else can change the law. These citizen needs to understand we as a community have the power to changes the law. We voted for these politicians they did not vote for us and we are paying these police/prosecutors salary from the taxpayer taxes. 

 A person will go to jail if they insult a bus driver but is a bus driver kills an innocent person they walk away from their victim's death a free person and go home to their family/ friends and go back to work and collect a check. If these bus drivers have to pay their own attorney fees, went to jail and got fired this BS will slow down. Family like me have to go to the graveyard/cemetery and spend time with them as they are being separated by dirt or holding their loved one's body ashes from being cremated. This is a senseless death can be prevented but the bus companies do not give an FU**!!! Excuse my bad language.

 I believe if the citizens and commuters start writing and calling the Senators and other political officials in large numbers they will address these outrage killings. Now if the citizens or victims loved ones does not care enough to put pressure on the lawmakers, District Attorney and Attorney General why should they care to implement a law to hold these bus drivers accountable for these senseless death taken in vain.

A bus is a weapon like a gun it is being handled by an insensitive human being. You have numerous organizations that the victims loved ones can go for support to stand up for gun violence. But killings of my son, his friend Christen Nobel Ross and others victims lives taken in vain by death on wheels caused by a reckless bus driver. Go figure!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Does NJ Transit truly believe in defensive driving? Because Of These Increasing Death Rate Caused By Reckless Bus Drivers

Does NJ Transit truly believe in defensive driving? 

This could be the reason why in the future there will be autonomous vehicles real soon.
These reckless bus drivers are murdering innocent people like it is an epidemic and Essex County Prosecutor, Governor Chris Christy, Bus Company, Insurance Company, Lawyers, County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo, District Attorney Paul Fisherman and Attorney Genera Richard  they  do not give two cent about the high level of death and injury. The civilian life is in dangerous at all times because they do not know if they are going to killed by a Community Coach USA Bus Driver or NJ Transit.


Henrique Lopes They should all have a bit more training some of these people have absolutely no experience What is a very dangerous thing when you are carrying passengers
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Kevin Newell It seems to be a recurring trend with these accidents on one of the most busiest streets in Newark. How can we forget last year when two buses collided?
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Tiffany Wisdom Seems like they hve been doing a lot of hiring .. wonder if its inexperience drivers...
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Na Johnson My son Deshon Johnson was killed by a reckless 

Community Coach USA bus driver operating NJ Transit blew by the

 bus stop refusing to pick my son up. My son flagged the bus to stop

 he refused by son rushed up to the front door and knocked on the

 door. This driver jumped the curb where my son stood and knocked

him down; running my son over twice then dragged him 50 to 100 feet.

 They were trying to blame my son for his death. The driver was never

 charged. The bus companies and prosecutor does not care about

 human life. The bus companies care more about money than human

 life. I am dealing with this matter now and I am founding out the 

corruption behind these incidents.

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Na Johnson Tiffany Wisdom Yes, they do a lot of hiring and lacking good safety training. The driver who killed my son has a bad driving recorded. The lawyer of the Community Coach USA and NJ Transit told the Essex County Prosecutor the driver has a clean driving record. The detective took the lawyers word and did not do any further investigation. When the investigation for my son pulled up the bus drivers record, I saw he caused an accident a year before he killed my son. The bus company sends the driver to take up a defensive driving course. The bus driver killed my son July 18th and two months later the driver had an incident. Do you know the bus driver is still driving and collecting a paycheck? The driver who killed my son also has broken in entry charges, judgments, and civil suites. Also, the driver is on blood pressure medication. Yet, he still is operating the bus.
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Na Johnson Kevin Newell Most these incidents are occurring in urban areas. They are heavy in Essex County. The prosecutors, bus company, and politicians are brushing it under the rug.
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Na Johnson
Charmil Davis

Charmil Davis Na Johnson
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· Reply· June 6 at 10:58am
Na Johnson Thank you Charmil Davis for mention me. These politicians’ prosecutors, lawyer and bus companies do not give a damn. I've been fighting to get laws pass to hold these bus drivers held accountable. I have learned what they do to these cases since my only child/son was killed by Wilson Romaine Community Coach bus driver operating New Jersey Transit. I have been trying to organize a protest and boycott but no one cares. I guess if it is not their loved one why they should care. I have started a petition to take to the lawmakers but know one wants to sign. I see people sign for everything things else but not support this legalize killing. I see people will post things for gun violence, breast cancers, school bombing but nothing like this. This is why the bus companies continue to cover things like this up because no one wants to write to their Senators or stand with me to be a voice for these lives like my son took in vain. A bus is like a weapon like a gun. It is controlled by a reckless intensive human being. I wrote to 10 Assembly people, 6 Senators, Congressman Pain, Governor, President, District Attorney and Attorney General. I have watched how they assassinated my son's character by blaming him for his death. My son and I have been mistreated; my civil right has been violated and has been talking down to and more. I am a member of NAACP; I reached out to their Social Justice department, no help. I reached out to Black Lives Matter, no help. I reached out to Ali Sharpton organization, no help. I reached out to women organization, no help. I reached out to Women organizations, no help. As long as I am the only one fight them, which make me small in numbers they are not going to pay me any attention. I have evidence of the corruption and cover up of my son's death case. I sent to the District Attorney and Attorney General they ignore me. We need to stand together as people who support humanity a fight for change, if not nothing is going to be done. The same reaction is going continue on when we see these reckless bus drivers get away with murder. and that is complaining and have empty conversation dealing with this matter. Changes do come by we sit down complaining it comes with actions. My son Petition For Deshon Johnson is on Facebook and Justice for Deshon Johnson. My son's petition is closed I have to reactivate the petition. is the world’s largest petition platform, using technology to empower more than 100…

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Charmil Davis We are going to talk Na Johnson I'm going to inbox you my number
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Charmil Davis You will no longer stand alone! I have a idea.. Na Johnson
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Na Johnson Charmil Davis Thank you, I always have people say they are going to help me, fight with and they are not going to let me fight alone. Needless say, they never follow through they words become empty. I have learned to deal with this situation people make a lot of promise or comments and do not stand by them. Then I found myself fight alone. May I ask what is your idea? You can inbox me. Here is my son's petition

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Ryan Novosielski I wonder is there a pothole there or something that made the bus lean as it came up on that shelter?
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Kevin Newell I really don't if there was a pothole there. The driver probably mounted the curb accidentally while driving.
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· Reply· June 6 at 4:29pm

Na Johnson There are no pole holes. I don't think these 

recklessness bus drivers mounted the curb. The drive recklessly and 

push they way through traffic not caring about human lives. They know

 nothing is going to happen to them. These reckless bus drivers

 know they still are going to have their jobs. I know by experience 

what I am going through. 

It is easy for people to speculate when they are on the outside 

looking in. I am on the inside and I am seeing first hand what is going on.

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Na Johnson

Na Johnson These politicians’ prosecutors, lawyer and bus companies do not give a damn. I've been fighting to get laws pass to hold these bus drivers held accountable. I have learned what they do to these cases since my only child/son was killed by Wilson Romaine Community Coach bus driver operating New Jersey Transit. I have been trying to organize a protest and boycott but no one cares. I guess if it is not their loved one why they should care. I have started a petition to take to the lawmakers but know one wants to sign. I see people sign for everything things else but not support this legalize killing. I see people will post things for gun violence, breast cancers, school bombing but nothing like this. This is why the bus companies continue to cover things like this up because no one wants to write to their Senators or stand with me to be a voice for these lives like my son took in vain. A bus is like a weapon like a gun. It is controlled by a reckless intensive human being. I wrote to 10 Assembly person, 6 Senators, Congressman Pain, Governor, President, District Attorney and Attorney General. I have watched how they assassinated my son's character by blaming him for his death. My son and I have been mistreated; my civil right has been violated and has been talking down to and more. I am a member of NAACP; I reached out to their Social Justice department, no help. I reached out to Black Lives Matter, no help. I reached out to Ali Sharpton organization, no help. I reached out to women organization, no help. I reached out to Women organizations, no help. As long as I am the only one fight them, which make me small in numbers they are not going to pay me any attention. I have evidence of the corruption and cover up of my son's death case. I sent to the District Attorney and Attorney General they ignore me. We need to stand together as people who support humanity a fight for change, if not nothing is going to be done. The same reaction is going continue on when we see these reckless bus drivers get away with murder. and that is complaining and have empty conversation dealing with this matter. Changes do come by we sit down complaining it comes with actions. My son's Petition For Deshon Johnson is on Facebook and Justice for Deshon Johnson. My son's petition is closed. I have to reactivate the petition. is the world’s largest petition platform, using technology to empower more than 100 million users to…

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· 2 hrsEdited
Charmil Davis Keep fighting Sister! Na Johnson
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Na Johnson Charmil Davis I am trying. It hard to fight when you are limited with a disability and I am fighting alone.
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Charmil Davis Well I have a disability too and we gonna do this! We are not going to allow this to stop us! Forget about the organizations and politicians .. We got this
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Na Johnson Charmil DavisHere is a video of my disability caused by Bloomfield NJ police department chasing a stolen car. I have nerve damages on my right side.

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Na Johnson Here is a petition dealing with these reckless bus drivers Stop reckless, aggressive, and rude bus drivers from carelessly taking young innocent lives like Deshon Johnson. Please take the moment out of your time to sign the petition. I really will appreciate if you can write in the comment box of the petition. Let your voice be heard.

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· Reply· Remove Preview· 2 hrs