Saturday, June 27, 2015

IS EVERY PSYCHIC CONSIDERED A WITCH? IS THERE A difference between psychic, clairvoyant, witch, spellcaster, shaman, healer, fortune teller, sorcerer


Throughout the world, psychics have had quite a history. When you see them or hear them, you know they are the kind of people who have premonitions of things to come. They can predict the future without wobbling in fear. Whoever asks for their service, they will do their best to see. Of course, they stress that what they see is not always accurate. This is what psychics are today. But there are those who claim psychics are witches. They usually think witches are the ones you see in movies or cartoons all the time: the eerie, deceptive people who lead people into despair. But are all psychics witches? Are they the kind that plot against people? To determine the answer, you have to look further into history, back when things were a bit complicated than now. Back then, people were not so comfortable with the things beyond their boundary. It simply means they were scared of the things they could not see. They wanted to live peacefully in their own way. So when psychics began to rise, they judged these trends by saying psychics are witches. When they heard they can contact with the dead and predict the future, it was hard for the people to accept this because they’ve never seen something like that before. So they considered witches. Add to the fact the Wicca, a modern religion that has been affiliated in dealing with things that isn’t affirmed by the religions of the world such as Catholicism, Judaism and other religions. The religions believe that branching over to the fields of the paranormal is not according to the principles of their proper God so it can’t be helped that they would consider it witchcraft. So over the years, psychics have always been seen as witches. Delving into something ordinary humans can’t do is something that they can’t accept fully. The powers of the psychics have never been fully considered as norma You’ve probably heard of psychics who actually act like witches. Yes, you see those who have houses decorated to look like a house an evil witch lives with a very eerie atmosphere. You often see them with those crystal balls that give them the vision of the future they are reading about. So as people saw this kind of act being done by psychics, their association of witches and psychics grew bigger. But now, psychics are no longer seen like that. Well, there are still people out there who see psychics as witches but it’s nothing significant. You can see psychics who look like ordinary people but have great charm and confidence to convey their service. You can see psychics who are as young as 18 years old and still live the life of a normal human being. So to say all psychics are witches is a biased opinion. Before you start making claims about witches and psychics, keep an open-mind and find out more about the psychic. You’ll be surprised at what you’ll learn doing so.

The difference between psychic, clairvoyant, witch, spellcaster, shaman, healer, fortune teller, sorcerer

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