Monday, February 12, 2024

Poem: The Strength Within A Woman's Power by Naomi Johnson


The Strength Within A Woman's Power

In the heart of a woman, a strength resides,
By her gentle ways, the universe confides.
With kindness as her cloak, she paves her days,
Throughout every step, her grace forever stays.

Her smile, a beacon of confidence, bright,
Guiding through challenges, casting out the night.
With determination etched upon her face,
She conquers mountains, finding endless grace.

Enduring pain, she brings life to this earth,
Regardless of the man's neglect or dearth.
Single-handedly she raises her own,
Nurturing them until they've fully grown.

Her love, a fortress, tender and pure,
Protecting like a lioness, strong and sure.
With humility, she heals the wounded heart,
soothing balm, a comforting art.

In the face of insults, she holds her tongue,
With dignity, her silent protest sung.
Through her eyes, respect and strength entwine,
silent power, profoundly divine.

By her man's side, she remains steadfast,
Weathering storms until they've safely passed.
Her words, like honey, sweeten his soul,
Empowering him to reach his highest goal.

Her touch, a symphony, gentle and true,
Bringing solace and peace, a love anew.
With loyalty unwavering, she stands,
In a world where faith often demands.

Her mind, a treasure trove of intellect,
With words that dance and thoughts connect.
Versatile in her ways, without deceit,
She navigates life's labyrinth, ever discreet.

Despite the scars of love, she learns to trust,
In the face of betrayal, she still finds just.
For her strength lies not in tradition's hold,
But in a love that's boundless, pure as gold.

So here's to the women, resilient and bold,
Whose strength and love, a story untold.
In every breath, their essence thrives,
For the strength of a woman truly survives.

About this poem

This poem celebrates the inherent strength and resilience found within women. It depicts the multifaceted nature of their power, rooted in kindness, grace, and determination. From enduring pain to nurturing life, from standing by loved ones to navigating challenges with unwavering resolve, the poem portrays women as pillars of strength and sources of boundless love. Despite facing adversity and betrayal, women continue to rise, embodying a love that transcends tradition and remains steadfast. Ultimately, the poem honors the enduring essence of womanhood, acknowledging their silent but profound impact on the world.

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